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Headsets & Microphones | Connection: Bluetooth | Brand: BlueParrott

Headsets & Microphones

Headsets and microphones are audio equipment used for communication, recording, or streaming audio content. Headsets are a combination of headphones and a microphone, allowing the user to both listen and speak without needing to hold a separate microphone. They come in various designs and styles, including over-ear, on-ear, and in-ear headsets. Microphones are used for recording or broadcasting audio content and can be attached to a computer or other device or used as a standalone device. They come in various designs and types, including USB microphones, lapel microphones, and studio microphones. Headsets and microphones are commonly used for gaming, video conferencing, podcasting, and other audio-related activities. Choosing the right headset or microphone can improve the quality of communication or recording and enhance overall productivity and enjoyment.

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£81.77 + vat

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£92.67 + vat

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local_shippingDelivery: 1-3 Working Days* once in stock